Working with some of the most iconic brands in the food and beverage industry, like Sargento, Quaker and Corona, 3rd Coast PR has a proven track record of success for clients within this space. From new product launches to national media tours and events, as well as culinary videos and social media campaigns, the team is a group of seasoned thought leaders servicing both international and domestic food & beverage clients.

We helped Sargento become a major player in the dairy aisle.
For five years, our team was the PR agency partner to Sargento, leading efforts to build the brand and helping them become a major player in the dairy aisle.

We helped Quaker redefine breakfast cereal.
Our food and beverage PR team was enlisted to launch two new products for Quaker. For the launch of LIFE Chocolate Oat Crunch, we worked with a chocolate expert to emphasize this new cereal as a healthy breakfast option. For the launch of Quaker Instant Oatmeal Crunch, we executed a media campaign focusing on how both the creamy and crunchy texture helped satisfy cravings.

We helped Corona stand out from the crowd.
Cinco de Mayo is notoriously a crowded time for the beer category, and it’s a challenge to stand out. We created a Cinco de Mayo program that focused on interesting creations of beer cocktail recipes from a mixologist, as well as worked with a chef to create food recipes that included Corona beer as a key ingredient.
We helped this fresh fish giant launch Stateside
UK mega-brand Saucy Fish was seeking a PR partner to support their regional US launch. Playing on the brand’s personality, culinary chops and leveraging relevant expert voices, our team guided this international client to making a splash in the northeast, and beyond.